Thursday, 9 December 2010

A couple of things...

I've noticed that only 7 people from the group are following my Blog. You could really do with making sure that you are linked to it, because it's my primary means of disseminating info.

Secondly, it would be useful if you could link to the blog or blogs of the other people in your group. Click on "Design" at the top of your blog page, then add "Links" as a gadget. Open a new window and browse to blog of your group member. Copy the address in the bar at the top to create the link.

Remember - all research should be complete by the beginning of the day on Tuesday since you will then be planning in groups.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Student Syndrome and Parkinson's Law

Look familiar?

Student Syndrome
Parkinson's Law

Content of Analysis

As well as the Media Language stuff, you need to make sure you mention the following in your Opening Sequence analysis posts:

  • Representation - what sort of people/ groups/ places are in the sequence and how do they come across?
  • Audience - who is the film aimed at and how do you know? This often links to the above
  • Institution - who made the film and who distributed it? You can find information about this kind of thing on Wikipedia or IMDB
Another useful site is Box Office Mojo, which gives figures for how well films did financially.

Final Groups

Could you please post a reply to this detailing who is working with whom. Just one person from each group. Thanks.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Snow Joke

I would strongly suggest that everyone be starting their research. If you have used your time wisely over the last few days, you could very easily have completed all your research and be ready to start planning. If the bad weather continues, you should really be focused on completing this task.